29.09.2021 | Company

New Chief Sales Officer at Frauscher Sensor Technology

Mayank Tripathi takes over as new Chief Sales Officer at Frauscher Sensor Technology.

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CSO Mayank Tripathi | © ©BenjaminHincker

Announcement from the CEO

I am pleased to announce that with immediate effect Mayank Tripathi has taken over the position of the CSO at Frauscher Sensor Technology.

Mayank is tasked with leading and further developing our global sales team in order to maintain and strengthen our market position, bringing 16 years of experience in the field of railway signalling into his new role.

Given his extensive experience in this sector, he is well positioned to strategically identify and address all of our future challenges. Prior to joining Frauscher, Mayank Tripathi worked as an R&D engineer, Project Manager and most recently as Sales and Marketing Director. In 2016 Mayank was appointed as the Managing Director of Frauscher France and will also continue in this role until further notice.

In his new role as CSO of Frauscher Sensor Technology, Mayank will focus on further strengthening our position within the rail market as well as our relationships with customers while using his vast experience and strategic approaches to foster and develop opportunities in new and existing markets.

Together with Mayank, I am sincerely looking forward to a very positive and constructive cooperation with our customers.

Best regards

Michael Thiel CEO

Contact Details

Mayank Tripathi

Chief Sales Officer
& Managing Director France

T: +33 (0) 388531596

E: Mayank.Tripathi@fr.frauscher.com

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  • Press Release CSO Appointment EN.pdf

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  • CSO Mayank Tripathi | © ©BenjaminHincker

    CSO Mayank Tripathi.jpg

    © ©BenjaminHincker
29.09.2021 | Company

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