08.05.2024 | Company

Growing markets and strong plans for future success: Frauscher on track

Sankt Marienkirchen bei Schärding, 8 May 2024: Frauscher Sensor Technology posts record financial results in terms of sales for the year 2023 and unveils future plans.

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In spite of the adverse circumstances that characterised the business landscape in 2023, Frauscher Sensor Technology achieved unprecedented success in both sales and incoming orders, credited to factors such as its robust global network, resilient supply chain and a diverse portfolio of highly innovative solutions. As the leader in the global market for wheel detection and axle counting solutions, Frauscher has also unveiled its intentions for the future in key strategic areas including digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence and the further development of its product portfolio.

Data, diagnostics and future-proof solutions

Looking forward, Frauscher intends to invest considerable resources into its digitalisation endeavours which includes further development of cloud-based diagnostic systems. One example of this is the successful go-live of the Frauscher Insights data platform which enables data from railway operations to be enriched and bundled together, making it available via various applications. Several installations of this cloud-based diagnostic system are already in place, with more planned in the future. The company is also dedicated to expanding its product portfolio in alignment with industry initiatives such as EULYNX, emphasising interoperability and cost-efficiency for customers. Further enhancement of the portfolio is planned to support the EULYNX approach with the TDS interface for BaseLine 4.2 currently in the pipeline, and BL 2.3 & 3.5 already successfully completed.

Facing requirements with dedicated products

Anticipating future changes in the market, Frauscher remains committed to developing solutions that align with evolving customer requirements. The recent launch of the Frauscher Track Vacancy System FTVS underscores this dedication, addressing customer demands for a non-vital axle counter with easy installation and minimal maintenance costs. The system's success in the United States market signals a promising trajectory for Frauscher's endeavours.

Investing in the future

In relation to harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Frauscher aims to increasingly incorporate such technology to its operations, leveraging AI-based solutions like FrauscherGPT to optimise processes, especially in relation to software development. Understanding of AI will be further bolstered with dedicated AI ambassadors and training courses, designed to enable all staff members to make the most out of this technology. With approximately 10% of sales revenue dedicated to R&D, Frauscher remains committed to technological advancement as a cornerstone of its success. By embracing change and fostering talent, the company is well positioned to navigate future challenges and solidify its position as an industry leader. "As we celebrate our recent successes, we remain focused in our pursuit of innovation and commitment to customers," remarked Michael Thiel, the CEO of Frauscher Sensor Technology, stating that "Our focus on advancing railway technology and expanding our global presence highlights our efforts in shaping the future of railway transportation."

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  • Wachsende Märkte und starke Pläne für zukünftigen Erfolg: Frauscher auf Kurs

  • Growing markets and strong plans for future success: Frauscher on track

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  • Michael Thiel, CEO Frauscher Sensor Technology | © Frauscher Sensor Technology

    Michael Thiel, CEO Frauscher Sensor Technology

    © Frauscher Sensor Technology
  • Frauscher Insights: Data Platform for Railway Operations | © Frauscher Sensor Technology

    Frauscher Insights: Data Platform for Railway Operations

    © Frauscher Sensor Technology
  • Frauscher Track Vacancy System FTVS is an economic Axle Counting Solution for non-vital applications. | © Frauscher Sensor Technology

    Frauscher Track Vacancy System FTVS is an economic Axle Counting Solution for non-vital applications.

    © Frauscher Sensor Technology

About Frauscher

Frauscher Sensor Technology offers innovative solutions for the individual requirements of customers worldwide in the field of axle counting and wheel detection. In doing so, we strive to provide the best possible support to system integrators and railway operators throughout the life cycle of our products and beyond, giving them access to the information they need. With a worldwide network of locations and partners, we also guarantee a strong supply chain and optimum customer support around the globe.

08.05.2024 | Company

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Akhilesh Yadav during the award ceremony | © Frauscher Sensor Technology
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