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Frauscher Poland strengthens position in metro market

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Warsaw: approximately 1.8 million people on an area of round 520 km² – served by a highly operable public transport network. This consists of buses, trams and a metro, which is constantly growing stronger – using, amongst others, Frauscher components.

Line M1 of Metro Warsaw is in operation since 1995. Consisting of 23 kilometres of track and 21 stations, it links the northern and the southern parts of the city. In 2009, construction of a second line from east to west started. Since 2015, Line M2 went into operation. Currently with seven out of 21 stations and seven more to be opened in 2020. Frauscher Poland is proud to be part of this prestigious project.

Reflecting trends

Warsaw Metro provides the city with a modern public transport infrastructure

Warsaw is the only city in Poland using a subway infrastructure to increase the availability of public transport. While Line M1 has been equipped with frequency track circuits for track vacancy detection, Line M2 uses axle counters for the same purpose. Considering the time frame, in which both lines were or are still being built, this somehow reflects the global trend of using axle counters instead of track circuits. All 14 stations of the second line, which are already in operation or will be in operation soon, are covered by a signalling solution using the Frauscher Axle Counting System ACS2000.

Proven capabilities

The combination of ACS2000 and wheel sensors RSR180 is predestined to form a solid base for this signalling system. Frauscher Wheel Sensors RSR180 are mounted to the tracks simply and quickly, using a specific rail claw without drilling – and thereby weakening – the rail. These sensors are highly resistant to external influences, such as moisture, heat, frost, snow and more, but also against mechanical impacts and electromagnetic interference. On that basis, they work highly reliably, even in most adverse environments. The ACS2000 system assigns a separate evaluation board to each track section. These boards are pre-configured during manufacture, based on what has been defined together with our customer. Thereby the system fully meets individual requirements.

Frauscher Wheel Sensors RSR180 work highly reliable, even when set under water.

Green light for more

The Frauscher Axle Counting System ACS2000 has proven its capabilities all over the globe.

The ACS2000 installation, which is in operation since 2015 on Line M2, has proven to work highly reliably under the given conditions. This positive experience has led Warsaw Metro to the decision to extend this system. In addition to increasing from seven to 14 stations on Line M2, they also decided to go for a modernisation on Line M1. Replacing track circuits with axle counters on a neighbouring line emphasizes even more on the trend we are recognising globally. And it is of course the best proof for our product’s high quality and customer orientation, we can get”, says Mr. Pytlik happily.

Latest axle counters and developments available

At this year’s TRAKO the Frauscher Poland team is looking forward to share their experiences from projects throughout various railway segments with known and new customers. At stand 46 in Hall A, they will present the company’s latest products and developments. This includes the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC®, which has recently been certificated by UTK and is now available for Polish railways.

As a highlight, the new SENSiS System will be on display, which we presented for the first time at InnoTrans 2018 and were overwhelmed by the great interest and positive feedback. With a newly developed sensor, working as an intelligent device on the track, this system sets new standards. It opens up completely new possibilities and represents the latest generation of track vacancy detection against a backdrop of an increasing digitalisation of the railway industry.

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